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  • Why the name Dialectic?
    Dialectic was originally designed to promote more informed civil discourse and healthier disagreement in public life. The scope has since expanded to include other areas including the intentional use of technology platforms and educational partnerships. But the classic concept of a “dialectic” (thesis / antithesis / synthesis), a path to reconcile contradictory concepts (like IRL versus digital ecosystems) or opposing viewpoints, is a constant theme behind our mission.
  • Is this related to Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)?
    No. While DBT is a wonderful technique to help people live better and healthier lives, Dialectic is completely separate and should not be confused with it.
  • What does “healthy cognitive consumption” mean?
    Eating food and scrolling Instagram are both forms of consumption. Just like our dietary choices impact our health, the choices we make in consuming information fundamentally impacts our mental well-being. We need food and we love it - but it can be either good or bad for our health. Most of us need the digital world and our devices - but it can also have both positive and negative influence in our lives. Dialectic is built to help people develop habits of content and information consumption that strengthen their mental well-being, their relationships, It’s (really) important to note that we don’t connect “healthy” consumption to any specific worldview, platform, or media source. Rather, we view it as the intentional use of these tools and platforms, being mindful of some of the features they have that might lead to unnecessary emotional agitation and distraction that are unrelated to one’s own views but can cause further, unnecessary, distancing from others.
  • Doesn’t the idea of labeling certain tools, platforms, and/or media outlets “healthy” or “unhealthy” lend itself to controlling people’s freedom of thought?
    Dialectic is not about supporting any particular view or ideology. It is about building information literacy and ensuring that we are able to recognize the impact of our choices about how we become informed and communicate with others. It also is about helping people understand others, both in person and online so that they have the tools to try and understand those who might disagree with them.
  • If one of your main themes is to reduce the use of digital devices and platforms, why do you have a web page or utilize tools like email and even social media?
    This is a question we get a lot and helps underscore our approach, namely that we believe just like it’s okay to eat ice cream and fast food, using digital tools intentionally and in moderation can be a good and helpful thing without being harmful. To that end, all of our digital activities follow principles of healthy cognitive consumption, including never sharing information of those who want to be on our mailing list, sending updates at regular times, and the use of language that is non-tribal in its nature.
  • Are you a non-profit or for-profit organization?
    We are self-funded and focused on the non-profit space, seeking resources from individuals and organizations who share our focus and approach.
  • What do you do with the data you collect such as email addresses?
    We only use data such as email addresses for communication with individuals who provide it and don't share that with anyone.
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